Monday, June 18, 2007

Look Out For New Jersey!

Ask nearly any sports fan in New Jersey who the teams they root for are and you'll find a plethera of answers. A couple of examples would be:

"Oh, well I like the New York Giants and the New York Mets."

"I root for the New York Giants and the New Jersey Devils!"

"I'm a fan of the New York Yankees and the New York Jets."

With New Jersey bordering the more distinguished and cleaner states of New York and Pennsylvania, it is easy for a New Jersean to be confused about his/her identity. However, as history has shown, one who suffers with a confusion of identity can be sure to make irrational decisions. This irrational decision making cannot be portrayed any clearer than in the city of Trent located on the northeast border of Italy. Back in the late 15th century, one of the most notorious Blood Libel cases occured in the confused city of Trent. For those who don't know, a Blood Libel was known to be a ritual murder which involved a group of Jews taking a Christian male baby, killing it, and then using its blood for a sacrificial ceremony. In the city of Trent, several Jews were brought to trial, and deemed guilty on charges of Blood Libel against a Christian toddler named Simon who was found murdered and crucified in the waters of Trent.

It should be pointed out that some time later the trial was proven to have no evidence against the Jews whatsoever, and the final decision pertaining to the case of Simon was completely irrational on all accounts. It should also be pointed out that nearly all Blood Libels popped up in bordering cities.

With all of this information it is clear that when a city, state, or any nation fights with their own identity, poor decision making is sure to follow. In the case of New Jerseans, don't think that because this tiny little state lacks identity they are going to be going out and convincting Jews of Blood Libel BUT beware of their sports knowledge. I can say from first hand experience that when I come in contact with those from New Jersey who try to talk sports they really have no idea what they are talking about. Now, knowing what I do about those in bordering lands, I will never blame New Jerseans for their confusion and poor decision making in the sports world. I will instead lead them towards the land of the Philadelphia Eagles, because when one comes in contact with the Philadelphia Eagles, his/her question of identity fades quickly. Thus, leading to rational decision making and a better atmosphere for all.

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