Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Slight Adjustment

Ok, well I thought I was going to be able to turn this blog into a detailed story for all to enjoy, but after realizing that too much time has gone by in between this post and my last, I figured the best way to go about this blogging situation would be to just simply write about certain situations that have happened and elaborate with also possibly trying to tie it into the lesson of the day in our JWST419C classes.

With that being said, I'll start into my first scenario that I'd like to shed light on. Yesterday, we visited the city of Bologna. Some "good to know's" about Bologna are: Portico's make up a large part of the architectural atmosphere. Portico's are structures consisting of a roof supported by columns or piers, usually attached to a building as a porch. I'll insert a picture so one can get a better idea of what i'm trying to explain. Bologna is also know as having the first University in the history of Europe (founded in the 11th century). Today, this university harvests nearly 120,000 students. One other thing that stands out in Bologna's history is the Jewish ghettos. After taking a tour of Bologna's Jewish museum titled "Museo Ebraico," we were taken to a Jewish ghetto and shown where they tried to pack up to nearly 1,000 jews in the worst part of town away from mainstream society. After taking a tour of the University of Bologna we sat down for a delicious lunch. Shortly after lunch ended, I opted to return back to Florence due to being exhausted from not only how much information was thrown my way, but how much walking I seem to do each day. On my way home, I sat on the train thinking about my experience. Through all of my feelings of sadness for what the Jews were put through, I realized that's what should NOT be taken from all of this. What should be taken is the strong will and drive of the Jews through all of their hard times. This shows me how tough one's soul is and no matter how hard one thinks he/she has it, there is always someone out there doing worse. So feeling sorry for one's self will never be the key to getting throug hard times. Rather, drive and determination no matter how harsh the road is, will prove to be much more beneficial traits in obtaining what he/she desires. In the case of the Jews, instead of being locked into ghettos, they now sit on their own land (Israel) and tout one of the strongest militaries in the world.

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